1st Stage: Sediment pre-filter 5 micron. 10" length spun polypropylene removing dirt, rust and sand particles.
2nd Stage: OCB GAC Carbon Block To remove 99% of the chorine and organic Chemicals for Order & color reduction.
3rd Stage: CTO Carbon Filter Self sterillized function able to reduce the residue of chlorine, improve taste, odor and colour, removes insecticide, synthetic detergnets and dissolved organic contamination.
4th Stage: 0.0001 micron Revere Osmosis Membrane Membrane Thin Film Composite (TFC) membrane Removes toxic, metal, germ, chromium, etc
5th Stage: Post Carbon Filter Choice of Packed Granular or Impregnated, Powder Carbon Cartridges High Grade Activated Carbon, Standard Filter Cartridge Replacemen
6th Stage: Bio Ceramic Filter (Additional charge) Breaks water molecules into very minute fractions to greatly improve absorption and increasing many folds the oxygen content than that of ordinary water.